August 16-20, 2018
San Jose McEnery Convention Center
150 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95113

Hugo Voting Closes July 31

This means we are in the last week left to rank your choices for the 2018 Hugo Awards and 1943 Retro Hugo Awards!

Voting for both will end on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 11:59 PM PDT. 

Here are the links for voting:

Vote for the Hugos | Hugo Voter Packet (download)

Vote for the 1943 Retrospective Hugos | Retro Hugo Voter Packet (download)

Remember that your online ballots may be updated at any time. We encourage members not to wait until the last minute to file their Hugo ballots. The servers can become overloaded and this can sometimes cause difficulty getting all of your rankings saved before the ballot deadline.

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The Worldcon Program -- We will do better.

 23 July, 2018

I directed the Program Division to take down the preliminary program information that was released yesterday evening. There were too many errors and problems in it to leave it up.
I am sorry we slighted and angered so many of the people we are gathering to meet, honor and celebrate. This was a mistake, our mistake. We were trying to build a program reflecting the diversity of fandom and respectful of intersectionality. I am heartbroken that we failed so completely.
We are tearing the program apart and starting over. It was intended to be a reflection of the cultures, passions and experiences of Worldcon membership, with room for both new voices and old. What we released yesterday failed to do that; we must do better.
Many of you have offered to help us do a better job. Thank you. We cannot accept all those offers, but yes, we will be turning to some of you to help us do it better this time.
We will continue to reach out to the Hugo Finalists we have missed connections with, to ensure any who wish to be on the program will have a place on it.
Kevin Roche
Chair, Worldcon 76 in San Jose
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Charity Donations: Dragon Egg!




We continue to spotlight donations from dealers, members, and staff.

We get donations from dealers, local merchants, artists and writers, and that's all expected. What's not as common and always a delight is when regular members of the convention, and sometimes staff, decide to make a donation to the charity auction. 

This time we're talking about Robin M Gage, who is donating one of her dragon eggs. We haven't seen it yet, but she sent us this picture to help entice future mothers and fathers of dragons to come to the charity auctions and get their bids in!

Again, I hope you'll come out and support the Worldcon76 in San Jose Charity Auction, the beneficiary of which is the Alzheimer's Association. If you're a fan of fantastic art, unique collectables and just really cool stuff, there's sure to be quite a few items that you'll need to add to your collection.

Learn more about the Charity Auction and the Alzheimer's Association here.

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We are are profoundly sorry for the misgendered biography for Bogi Takács that was released in today's early program information. 
It was an dreadful mistake and I apologize on behalf of all my staff.

I am trying to find out exactly where our editing process failed, to ensure it does not happen again.
Kevin Roche

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Progress Report 4: The Future is Now

It's less than a month to go. Are you ready for the 76th Worldcon in San Jose?

Progress Report 4 is now available online. Over the next week, if you opted in to paper copies, you should see it in the mail. Check inside for information about Traincon, Tours, more places to visit while your in SJ (including wine country!), a shopping guide, and more memories from fans.

Progress Report 4

Please send questions or comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We'll see you in August!

Download a hi-res version (40 MB).

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