We continue to spotlight donations from dealers, members, and staff.

Today were spotlighting a beautiful green bound volume, The Fantasy Illustrated Library Volume One: Lands and Legends , published by Michael Publishing, LLC. Over Hardcover with gold embossing and a matching slipcase create a lovely package that will brighten any bookshelf.

100 artists from around the world were given the theme and asked to pick a subject that tit the theme, any creature, being or place from myth or legend from anywhere around the world. Mediums used varied; oil, acrylic, watercolor, digital and mixed media and colored pencils.
Signed and numbered, owning a numbered edition of Vol. 1 gives you the right to reserve that same number for future volumes.
From the web site:
The Fantasy Illustration Library Volume One entitled "Lands and Legends" is a prestige format 9" X 12" hardcover book in simulated leather (with slipcase). The book contains 148 original fantasy paintings from 127 artists and illustrators from all over the world. This is a terrific reference book for any fantasy or comic book artist with 304 pages; including subject write ups, artists' discussions and web site links to the participating artists. There is no other book like it in existence. Many of the participating artists and other artists who have reviewed it state that it is one of the finest fantasy fine art books to be printed in the last twenty-five years!!!
Escape from reality with fantasy fine art books by Michael Publishing of Naperville, Illinois, a high end publishing company. These books will have a large appeal among fans of comics, fantasy, and science fiction, tattoo artists and the gaming community as both collectibles and reference works.
Donated by Malcolm Phifer, President MichaelPublishing LLC. www.michaelpublishing.net
Again, I hope you'll come out and support the Worldcon76 in San Jose Charity Auction, the beneficiary of which is the Alzheimer's Association. If you're a fan of fantastic art, unique collectables and just really cool stuff, there's sure to be quite a few items that you'll need to add to your collection.
Learn more about the Charity Auction and the Alzheimer's Association here.
Ric Bretschneider
Worldcon 76 Charity Auction