Kevin Roche is the chair of Worldcon 76 in San Jose.

Kevin is “a fan for all seasons,” with extensive experience in convention running and many other aspects of SF/F genre conventions. He co-chaired Westercon 66 in Sacramento in 2013 and chaired Costume-Con 26 in San José in 2008. Worldcon attendees will have most recently seen him as...

Kevin Roche is the chair of Worldcon 76 in San Jose.

Kevin is “a fan for all seasons,” with extensive experience in convention running and many other aspects of SF/F genre conventions. He co-chaired Westercon 66 in Sacramento in 2013 and chaired Costume-Con 26 in San José in 2008. Worldcon attendees will have most recently seen him as Masquerade Master of Ceremonies at the 2015 Worldcon, Sasquan. He also co-directed the 2011 Worldcon’s Masquerade as well as Masquerades at Anime Los Angeles, Westercon, and BayCon. He has been part of convention programming teams at several past Worldcons.

Kevin has extensive and well-received convention hospitality experience, including running the convention hospitality suite at the 2009 World Fantasy Convention in San José, and recently as bartender for the Helsinki in 2017 Worldcon bid. Fans across the USA have seen him as Fan Guest of Honor at conventions from the San Francisco Bay Area to Texas, Iowa, and Boston. He also has conference organization experience outside of the SF/F genre, having been the event registrar for scientific events (SpinCurrents 2009, SpinAge 2010, and Superconductivity 297k! organized under the direction of IBM Fellow Dr. Stuart SP Parkin).

Kevin has been making costumes since he was 8, and continues dressing funny to this day. In his secret identity as a research scientist at IBM Research Almaden, he's hard at work wrangling giant robot vacuum chambers and electrons in atomically engineered materials, and has recently joined the IBM Q quantum outreach team.


Kevin is also created Thinbot, the gold-medal winner in robotic bartending at Robogames, the international robotics competition, in 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016. Thinbot is not infrequently found hard at work serving visitors to Kevin and Andy's parties at conventions.

As part of the San Jose Worldcon bid, Kevin designed and constructed the San Jose Galactic LIght Tower, a 32’ tall (1/10 scale) replica of the historic San Jose Electric Light Tower, which was first exhibited at MidAmeriCon II, the 2016 Worldcon in Kansas City last August. The tower incorporates 3000 addressable animated LEDs, controlled via cell phone app. (photos of the tower are also viewable at its facebook gallery)
Kevin is also the editor of Yipe! The Costume Fanzine of Record (,


Call for Papers: Student Poster Competition

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 2018 World Science Fiction Convention ( is looking for undergraduate students, graduate students or post-doctoral scholars to participate in a poster competition on Saturday, Aug. 18. Here is an opportunity to share your research with an audience that is very interested in science, engineering and technology.

The convention will be at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center on August 16-20, 2018.

There will be a $100 prize for the poster that best communicates science to the general public. More info on the website at:

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From the Chair: regarding the timing of the Hugo Finalist announcement

As Chair of Worldcon 76, I would like to express my regret for the distress the timing of our Hugo Finalists announcement has caused for Orthodox Jewish members of our Community. It was not our intention to show disrespect.
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Membership Prices Increase February 1! Last Chance to Start Installment Plans

If you haven't purchased your attending membership for Worldcon yet, what are you waiting for?

On February 1, our attending membership prices will increase by $20. Get the lower price right now by visiting our registration page.
An attending membership gets you all rights of a supporting membership, plus admission to all general weekend events. The price of a supporting membership ($50) will not increase. Information on how to register is here:

Equally important: January 31 is the final day you may start an installment payment plan and lock in the current price by making a down payment. With this rate increase on February 1, no new installment plans may be started. Members with existing payment plans are reminded they must finish paying their balance due by June 1, 2018.

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Call for Papers: Academic Track at the 76th World Science Fiction Convention

Science fiction always plays a part in recreating our world and directing civilization's progress. While much SF takes place in a hypothetical "future," the entire body of speculative literature influences and interacts with our world—suggesting potentialities, solutions, organizational methods, alternative cultures, and paths to follow or avoid. In that spirit, the 76th World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in San José, California has chosen "Make the Future" for its overarching theme.

The Academic Track Committee welcomes proposals for scholarly presentations, especially those that study content tied to our "Make the Future" convention theme, such as the following examples:

  • Any and all utopian or futurist novels, short stories, comic books, or other media
  • Classic SF works that changed the direction of their era
  • Dystopian novels, comic books, and other media that portray catastrophic scenarios to prevent them from happening in reality (1984, The Handmaid's Tale, The Water Knife, Bitch Planet, etc.)
  • SF groups as progressive communities ("slan shacks," writers' colonies, online communities, etc.)
  • Ties between SF literature and socio-political movements
  • Ties between maker culture and science fiction, including DIY art and music, steampunk, deiselpunk, and any other design aesthetics 
  • Major movements in the SF genre's history
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Membership Action taken today.

Worldcon 76 has chosen to reduce Jonathan Del Arroz's membership status from attending to supporting. He will not be allowed to attend the convention in person. Mr. Del Arroz's supporting membership preserves his rights to participate in the Hugo Awards nomination and voting process. He was informed earlier today of our decision via email.

We have taken this step because he has made it clear that he fully intends to break our code of conduct. We take that seriously. Worldcon 76 strives to be an inclusive place in fandom, as difficult as that can be, and racist and bullying behavior is not acceptable at our Worldcon. This expulsion is one step towards eliminating such behavior and was not taken lightly. The senior staff and board are in agreement about the decision and it is final. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to share them via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Service Mark Notice

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at