Hugo Awards and Masquerade Available on Blu-ray/DVD

Yes, that's right! You can now order copies of the Hugo Awards ceremony and the Masquerade on DVD and Blu-ray. Syd Weinstein has been gracious enough to provide several options for your viewing pleasure.

For details and how to order, go to his website.

On his website, you can also find a link to the recording of the Hugo Awards ceremony stream on Youtube.

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Worldcon 76 Photo Gallery Updated

Have you checked the website lately? We've been uploading new photos gradually from the event photographers, tours, and other staff to our gallery on the website. Keep checking back, because more are always rolling in. If you have any photos you'd like us to host, feel free to contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.s team, and we'll do our best to get them online!

More memories shared with us on Flickr, from fan Rodford Smith. Enjoy!

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Read John Picacio's Statement from the Opening Ceremonies

On Thursday, August 16, 2018, John Picacio brought his #Mexicanx Initiative recipients onto stage during the Opening Ceremonies, locked arms and read a personal statement about acceptance and solidarity. The full statement was written by one of the Mexicanx recipients, Lauren Snow, inspired by a brief of John's. John shared it again today on social media. Worldcon 76 would like to share his words here, too.

Full statement (for those having difficulty reading the image above):

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Watch the Hugo Livestream!

Counting down to the Hugo Awards. If you can't make it into the ballroom, or just want to view it at your convenience from anywhere else, catch the ceremony on our YouTube channel.

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Error in the Tower Issue 7

Our apologies, there was an error with the WORKMANSHIP NOVICE list. The corrected winners are:



Young Fan: Eletrigantis

Honorable Mention for Electronics: Caelyn of Falconpeak in the Final Battle

Award for the Use of Playing Cards: Alice in Wonderland

Award for Terrific Tentacles: Vanessa

Award "The Kitty's Meow" for Attention to Detail: Gandalf the Pink

Award for Proton Pack Perfection: Raymond T. Stanz, Apparition Eliminator

Excellence in Creature Construction: Locusta, Displacer Beast Thief


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Service Mark Notice

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at