By Worldcon 76 on Saturday, 30 September 2017
Category: Help Wanted

Position: Move-In/Move-Out Coordinator

Reporting to: Kathy Bond, Operations Division Head

Apply via: Volunteer Information Form

Tasks and Responsibilities:

You will be responsible for coordinating the moving of all of our equipment into and out of the convention center. You will need to work closely with the Equipment Acquisition person within the Operations Team as well as working at-con with the various departments who will be receiving the stuff as it is unloaded. You will also coordinate getting it all back at the end. You will work with the Gophers head to snag gophers for the loading and unloading, as well as recruiting some key staff people for MIMO.

Time commitment: 

You MUST be available on the Wednesday before the con (8/15/18) and the final day of the con (Monday, 8/20/18) for move-in and move-out. You will have a heavy workload both days. Your time commitment before the con is likely a few hours per month; and after the con, a few hours in the first week.

Experience, attributes, skills, and/or abilities:

You should be detail oriented, and good with organization and spreadsheets. You will be very comfortable driving big trucks. If you have a CDL it's a huge plus.

Physical requirements: 

This is a very physical job. You will need to be able to move heavy items around and lift things on and off trucks.